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Meology: The Study of Ones(humorous)Self

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What Confucious Says:

Exactly what is Confucious saying now? Here goes a few good ones:
~Man who scratch ass,
should not bite fingernails.
~Man who eat many prunes,
get good run for money.
~Baseball is wrong:
Man with four balls cannot walk.
~War does not determine who is right,
war determines who is left.
~Wife who put husband in doghouse,
soon find him in Cathouse.
~Man who fight with wife all day,
get no piece at night.
~It take many nails to build crib,
but one screw to fill it.
~Man who drive like hell,
bound to get there.
~The useless skin around a penis
is called "a man".
~Man who live in glass house,
should change clothes in basement.
~Man who fish in other man's well,
often catch crabs.
~A penis has a hole in the end
so men can be open minded.
~It is better to lose a lover
than love a loser.
~Man who mix Viagra and Ex-Lax,
doesn't know if he's coming or going.
~Crowded elevator smell different to midget.

Who Is Jack Shit?

For years, many of us have wondered just exactly who is Jack Shit? We find ourselves at a loss when someone says, "You don't know Jack Shit!" Well, thanks to the brilliant efforts of some very curious folks, you can now respond in an intellectual way. So here it goes and try to keep up....Jack Shit is the only son of Awe Shit, who married O Shit. In turn, Jack Shit married Noe Shit. The couple had 6 children: Holie Shit, Giva Shit, Fulla Shit, Bull Shit, and the twins Deep Shit and Dip Shit. Deep Shit married Dumb Shit, a high school dropout. After 15 years, Jack and Noe Shit got divorced and she married Ted Sherlock and became Noe Shit Sherlock. Meanwhile, Dip Shit married Lotta Shit and had a rather nervous disposition named Chicken Shit. Fulla Shit and Giva Shit married the Happens brothers in a double wedding. The newspaper invited everyone to the Shit-Happens wedding. Bull Shit traveled the world and returned home with an Italian bride. Pisa Shit. So from now on, no one can tell you that you don't know Jack Shit.!!

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