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Meology: The Study of Ones(humorous)Self

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I Have 5 New Boyfriends!

Just in case my readers do not know, I have been widowed for over four years now. I am only a young 38 years old, but I do not guess I am ever too old to have a new boyfriend! But to my surprise, I have somehow managed to acquire five, yes five, new boyfriends! Let me tell you all about them:

The minute I wake up, Will Power so kindly helps me get out of bed.

Next, I go straight to see John.

Soon after, Charlie Horse comes along, and when he is here, he takes a lot of my time and attention.

When he leaves, Arthur Ritis shows up and stays most of the day. But because he doesn't like to stay in one place very long, he takes me from joint to joint.

And after such a busy day, I'm really tired and can’t wait to crawl into bed with Ben Gay.

What a life!


I am truly sorry about your husband but I would not want to wish things like you are writing ie Arthur Ritis, and Ben Gay, etc. First you are too young for this. I am 67 and I don't claim any of these things for myself.
I know this is all a joke but sometimes I believe we need to be careful how we talk and think. Sandee, God bless you and I hope the right man comes along just for you.
Bob Pearcy

July 3, 2008 at 1:44 PM  


SO true to true, if only the bengay worked UGGGhhh. SO sorry about your husband having to deal with lupus, it plain old Sucks. It affects us all so badly and our families see us suffer.

Chronic CHick Talk

August 27, 2008 at 12:11 AM  

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