Hard to believe another year has come and gone. I guess I didn't eat enough green on last New Year's Day because 2007 was filled with financial burdens and I didn't win the lottery like I was supposed to so I couldn't pay off all my debts. Guess I will keep trying on the lottery thing . Hell, I just may get lucky one day. I have already set some New Year's resolutions for myself. The first is to lose weight. That is usually high on the agenda for many people, but right now it is my main priority. And yes, I am overweight. I am not one who is anorexic skinny and still thinks I am fat. I am just fat. A condition linked to marriage and kids. I thought that after my husband died, I would lose weight easily because he was no longer here to cook meals everyday. I was wrong. I have put on weight and I think it is due to some depression. I miss my husband greatly and stress has taken its toll on me. Last year, I dieted and lost weight. I lost 40 pounds and was at my lowest I had been in years. But a very stressful year and having to eat out alot, I gained all of it back plus some. Now, I am not blaming anyone but myself for this. I am going to have to put my foot down once and for all and lose the weight. There are three things that helped me to lose weight last year. The first being NutriSystem. This is a great program and it works. Even if you do cheat occasionally. It can be costly, but you have figure what would you spend on food for yourself every month anyway. When you have a family it is harder because you have to buy enough for family meals, and if you see NutriSystem as a burden on your finances as I did, there are other ways. Counting calories was the biggest contributing fact to my weight loss after I stopped NutriSystem. Setting a goal based how many calories you normally take in a day can make a tremendous impact on your success. For me, I set my calorie intake at 1800 per day and wrote down everything I ate in a log book. Believe it or not, this is a great and simple system. My cousin told me about a site called "fitday" which helps you keep track of what you are eating and tracks calories for you. I like the site so far, and the best part is it's FREE! Check it out. If it doesn't have what you are looking for, just search Google. You can find anything using search engines.
Labels: losing weight, new years resolutions, nutrisytem
Dogs, cats and birds can make for a very amusing time around your home. I love all three of these animals, but the newest addition is the dog which hasn't made the cat very happy. My cat's name is "Miss Kitty" and she has got to be the best and funniest cat ever. She acts more like a dog and I truly believe she was a dog in a past life. When she sneezes, it sounds like a bark. And she will play fetch. She likes to play with strands of necklace beads. If you throw them, she will go and pick them up in her mouth and drag them back to you. The new dog is a shih tzu and an inside dog that was given to my daughter for her birthday. We have two dogs that stay outside and I really like to keep it that way. So far, the dog and the cat are not getting along. The cat has resorted to hiding in my room and not coming out. I can only hope they will learn how to get along or the dog will have to go. And then it will be just the cat and the bird again. Unless I get rid of that stupid bird first. I cannot believe that bird is still alive. My daughter was given this bird for her birthday two years ago. She got bored one day and decided it would funny to shove the cat inside the cage with the bird. Lots of commotion there, but I let the bird out the top and all was safe. Exactly what is the life expectancy of a parakeet anyway? I had several parakeets when I was young and I am sure that none of them lived more than about three months in our house. I recall one we had that committed suicide by flying into our piano, which had shelves with mirrors on it. Stupid bird anyway. We used to have to catch him in a brown paper bag if he got loose and that was always fun! My dad had one that he taught to say "hello turkey" whenever someone walked in the door and that crazy bird drank beer. Maybe I should give my bird to my dad. I am tired of cleaning up feathers off the carpet. And the excitement continues.
Labels: animal comedy, cats, parakeets, shih tzu dogs, suicide, talking birds